Hello I am Cory and I’m in Year 10 at Archway School.

I usually come to the Stroud Youth Club and I also volunteer in The Door Shop but this week I have been at The Door for my work experience.

I have been working in the office with Anne and learning about what goes on behind the scenes at The Door!

I started the week by counting the money from the youth club and shop tills and helping balance them from the floats. This has to be done every week. I also helped collect and count some of the collection tins that are in the shops around town, some of them were really heavy!

My main project for the week has been helping to set up for the Stroud country show, I have been making a treasure hunt game called treasure street, people will pay £1 for a door and some of them will have prizes behind them. – I have been to Mosaic in town to collect the prizes they donated too.

Later in the week I went with Barrie to The Bishop’s Garden Party in Gloucester, it was the best thing I did all week!



Work experience at The Door is helping me to understand that even though I have thought about doing this sort of job in the future maybe I will try and look for something else. I didn’t understand how hard it really is working in an office as busy as The Door’s and this was for only a week! Despite me having second thoughts about this being what I want to do in the future I am still very grateful to The Door for taking me on for work experience.


Work experience is just one way young people can get involved as volunteers at The Door and it doesn’t have to be restrained to when schools suggest it. If you are a young person and would like to do some work experience at The Door, during the holidays, during evenings or on weekends get in touch here.

We also welcome student placements, college placements, Duke or Edinburgh Students and even offer volunteering as part of the music and cafe teams in our youth clubs during sessions. If you want to get involved let us know – 01453 756745 or find us on Facebook @TheDoorStroud

Work Experience at The Door

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