Prayer mail

Answers to prayer…

We have found an indoor venue suitable for our parent support groups so these can continue even in wet weather.

Hannah is joining The Door team as our new Door To The Future Support Worker on Thursday.

Willow is going to be working with Archway School to support Year 7’s and 8’s during their lunch breaks.

We are grateful to be financially stable in what has been for many charities a troubling time. Praise God!

This month we are joining the rest of the world in praying for those affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Please join us in praying for healing and recovery, for wisdom and guidance for leaders, for energy and rest for those on the front line and for peace for those suffering loss.

Monday 7th September
Today please continue to pray for young people, parents and staff as schools return to their ‘new normal’ for grace, flexibility safety and wisdom
Tuesday 8th September
Today please pray for wisdom for all the teams that are planning new activities or changes to sevices including the awards night, mentoring gateway and the fundraising team.
Wednesday 9th September
We are starting to open up our Stroud offices and buildings for more meetings. Please pray we can do this as safely as possible for all involved.
Thursday 10th September
The team have a meeting with Dursley Town Council today. Please pray that this goes well and that plans for the next few months can be scoped out together.
Friday 11th September
Please pray for James a young people known to us in need of some positive guidance. Pray he can receive the support he needs to get back on track.
Saturday 12th September
Today please pray for our relationship with secondary schools that we may be able to start working on site again soon. Also for breakthroughs with those schools where we are not yet working.
Sunday 13th September
Engine Room is back today. Please pray for the illuminateStroud team and their young people as they start this new year together to learn about more each other and their Faith.
Weekly Prayer

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