Prayer mail

Answers to prayer…

We have received some long awaited funding this month!

One of the parents we are supporting has been offered a great new opportunity. Praise God!

This month we are joining the rest of the world in praying for those affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Please join us in praying for healing and recovery, for wisdom and guidance for leaders, for energy and rest for those on the front line and for peace for those suffering loss.

Monday 10th August
Please continue to pray protection and safety over all of The Door’s team, staff, volunteers and those we support as we step forward into the next phase of this pandemic.
Tuesday 11th August
Today please continue to pray that young people will engage in our new outdoor youth sessions and study spaces. Pray for lots of bookings this week.
Wednesday 12th August
Our Directors and Trustees are meeting this morning to plan for The Door’s longer term future. Please pray for inspiration, vision, wisdom and grace in their conversations.
Thursday 13th August
Please pray for anyone that is receiving A-Level results today. That they will be able to celebrate their successes no matter how small they may seem. And for wisdom for the steps needed to go forwards.
Friday 14th August
Please pray for reduced anxiety, increased confidence and and improved mental health forĀ 
Saturday 15th August
Today please pray for all the staff that are on leave or holiday over the coming weeks, pray for refreshment, refuelling and rest.
Sunday 16th August
Please pray that our teams will be able to continue to meet young people and parents in places and ways that they feel most safe. That any barriers will be knocked down and the way to support be made clear.
Weekly Prayer

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