August was a fantastic month for across all centres. We had three very full and very popular trips, with young people from all centres engaging really well with each other, and with all staff members.
There were lots of action packed sessions across our Stroud, Stonehouse, Dursley & Cam centres.
Excitingly we were able to take a mobile youth centre to Slimbridge, Frampton and Hardwicke, launching our “Severnside” youthwork ready for the autumn.



From arts and crafts sessions in our special “Year 6” transition sessions



To junk modelling in Stonehouse Pod


Trying something new –
Go-Karting or Street Dance

Out and about at Scratch and Skate in Dursley.

This is just the surface of all the amazing fun and activities that took place over the summer – make sure to find your local centres on Instagram and follow @TheDoorStroud on Facebook for more great photos.

For details of ‘Term Time’ opening hours and activities in The Door’s Youth Clubs visit and find your local centre. (Stroud, Stonehouse, Avening, Cam, Dursley, Wotton and more!)

August Youthwork Update

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